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Amos In - Crowd Thee Old Guard

Old Guard set 
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To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women.

From the six corners of the earth the Old Guard venture forth on a crusade to uphold the ideals of The Old World. With sword, spear, axe and potato headed club they defend qualities of an age long gone. Justice, Honour, Loyalty and Good Grammar. They climb giant mountains, bridge mighty rivers, cross great plains and suffer great hardships. But they never lose sight of their quest to protect the corner stone of all great civilizations: the virtue of obedience.

All figures have moveable heads and arms.

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Ebi-chan stands 10cm high, is in full Japanese armour and comes with his Samurai sword.

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Hengist stand 10cm tall, comes with his battle axe and has his war shield strapped to his back.

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Misha stands 10cm tall, comes with his potato head club and his smiley face codpiece!

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Paula stands 11.5cm tall and comes with her lance.

Strong Running River 
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Strong Running River stands 10cm high and comes with his tomahawk.

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Tony stands 8.5cm high and comes with his Zulu stabbing spear.

be nosey